Tuesday, February 21, 2017

My Favorite Meatloaf

There's nothing quite as comforting as a nice meatloaf. It's great any time of the year, and is great leftover for lunch. Plus you can keep all the ingredients on hand so you'll always be ready for some nice comfort food.

There are a lot of variations, but this one is simple with a sweat glaze.  It's also great in muffin tins for easy serving and saving.

What you need:

1 LB Ground Turkey
1 Egg
½ cup Breadcrumbs
1 TBSP Roast Seasoning
dash Worcestershire Sauce

¼ Cup Sugar
½ Cup Ketchup
1 TSP Worcestershire Sauce

What you do:
Heat oven to 350. Mix all meatloaf ingredients in a bowl until incorporated.   Mix sauce ingredients in a separate bowl.  Put meatloaf mixture in an oiled loaf pan and pat down.  Pour sauce mixture over. Bake for 55 minutes. Let cool 5 minutes before serving.

That's it!  Let me know if you try it and what you think!


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